
Dolce Bella Beauty Store
them boys have it easy. they dont have to worry if there's stray hair somewhere or having a bedhead hair for the day. sigh..

thats why you need this oucless face hair removal thingie. just roll em on your face and be amazed ! going out for the nite? let the hair roller show your hair some good time. no more miss bed head hair !
Reviewed by Fashion Register!!

Hokkaido Lover Mask--RM 30/box(10pcs)

Hyaluronic Acid Mask
Minimises and prevents wrinkles---Delays wrinkles formation---Improves skin elasticity and moisturizing effect
Ingredients: Bolivian uric acid, rose water, vitamin B5, lavender extract, aloe extract
✿ 保持水嫩肌肤,玻尿酸可保持肌肤弹性,帮助肌肤从皮肤表层注入大量水分,增強保水能力,加強润滑的作用,减少肌肤因岁月造成老化,恢复光泽,改善细纹。
✿ 芦荟萃取,达到肌肤修护功能,预防肌肤乾燥,加上薰衣草萃取,不仅可淨化肌肤,改善暗沈肌肤,恢复明亮光,淡淡薰衣草味道,不仅让肌肤获得了溫柔的滋润,更让疲累的心灵帶來了安抚宁静的感受。

Sakura Whitening Mask
Natural Vitamin C repairs the pores and nourishs the skin---Improves pigmentation problematic areas and soothes skin---Controls and improves sebum secretion, resulting in healthier and glow-ly skin

Ingredients: Sakura extract, Bolivian uric acid, cherry extract, marigold extract, purple root extract, rose fruit extract
✿ 淡淡的樱花味,精萃西印度樱桃,让西印度樱桃里天然的维他命C深入调理毛孔,滋养肌肤改善暗沉,让肌肤维持不紧绷的清爽状态,换給肌肤明皙光采。
✿ 玻尿酸与多种植物精萃,其金盏花独特效果,可修护、舒缓肌肤,溫和的平衡油脂分泌,同時给你健康好起色。

Anti-Oil + Purifying Mask
Oil secretion control, improves skin renewal system----Improves skin sensitivity problems, repairs and tightens skin
Ingredients: Bolivian uric acid, flower extract, buckeye extract, rosemary extract, grass extract.
✿ 此款控油调理,不只控油更加強调理。
✿ 能舒缓肌肤改善油脂分泌,并能立刻提振肤况,让肌肤充滿气色,持续白皙、透亮;搭配玻尿酸,抑制油脂分泌、加強肌肤新陈代谢。
✿ 调理肌肤双效合一,进而改善肌肤敏感现象,紧致毛孔,修护肌肤

L-Ascorbic Acid Whitening Mask
:Prevents formation of dark spots---Smoothens uneven skin to give rise to soft smooth skin---Improves skin regeneration and brightens skin
Ingredients: Vitamin C, Bolivian uric acid, Cucumber extract, Arbutin extract, gingko extract
✿ 还你肌肤明亮白晰,溫和的促进肌肤代谢,加強抗氧化作用。
✿ 修护肤色不均现象,帶走暗沉,改善肌肤暗沉,回复肌肤最初透亮。
✿ 減少皱纹,阻断黑色素形成,使肌肤回复透白柔嫩

Q10 Elastin Mask
:Prevents wrinkles and ageing---Gives hydrating and smooth effect---Improve skin elasticity by tightening skin---Aids in skin regeneration
Ingredients: Q10, Collagen, Bolivian uric acid, wild herbs extract, root extract, rosemary extract.
✿ 补充皮肤內Q10之含量,激励活化能量。
✿ 利用Q10的独特特性,可让肌肤紧致平滑,恢复肌肤储水、保水的功能,抚平皱纹。
✿ 添加弹力蛋白及高保湿成分玻尿酸,改善皮肤,使肌肤紧致,多种植物萃取精华,幫助肌肤维持弹性紧致

E.G.F. Reconstruct Mask
Regenerates skin and improves/prevents wrinkles---Tightening and hydrating effects---Improves skin elasticity
Ingredients: E.G.F, collagen, silk protein, Bolivian uric acid, aloe extract, seaweed extract, green tea extract, lavender extract
✿ 极致修肤面膜,具有嫩肤作用、抚平细纹、紧致肌肤、保湿修护等功能。
✿ 內含「E.G.F」,使用在肌肤保养上时,则可幫助皮肤表皮组织的新陈代谢。
✿ 蚕丝蛋白可提高保湿,多重防护由里至外,加強你的美丽因子,让美丽全面俱到。

FAce hair removal

RM18 (normal price)
RM 15 only if you purchase another box of mask!
Remove fine hair throughout the face, upper lips!! not painful!!

Japan Pecoroll Hair Roller

RM22--10 rollers
RM20 ONLY if you purchase with another box of mask!!
(5 Large -23mm & 5 Medium- 18mm roller per box)
Pecoroll Hair Roller!
Set the hair easily to achieve a wavy, sassy look with fantastic volume!

Japan Magic COmb

RM22 per curler
RM20 ONLY if you purchase with another box of mask!!

◆ 像沙龙一样的轻松完成 ◆ 搭配吹风机效果更加 ◆ 卷法的强度随心所欲加速头发吹整定型,卷度较易塑造,且不易使头发纠结于梳子上,让你吹整造型更便利。

(3)卷好后,用吹风机(热风)对着卷好的头发吹,可以对着不同的地 方送风。吹的时间约1分钟即可。

Used with hair dryer to curl your hair. Make it nice & more natural looked~
(1) combs the first hair smoothly, get a pinch from the bottommost, others clip it up.
(2) make the small pinch of hair wet , curl it up with the magic comb.
(3) blow it with hot air using hair dryer, may blow from different directions. Blow it approximately 1 minute.
(4) pull the hair downwards once you finish blowing.
(5) repeat the same steps for the rest, apply hair spray or gel



1988年,新登場的Collagen Whitening除加入更多Colagen加強修護外

Usage: After facial cleaning, unpack the facial mask and apply it gently on the face, remove it 20min later, wipe off the residual essential liquid on the face with water or paper towel.

Cautions: For external use only. Please throw it off after using. For the skin differ from each other, please stop using the product or consult us if you feel discomfort after using. Please keep the product out of reach from children.

FOr more info, Visit

S&H Collagen 100% Intensive Whitening Facial Mask

RM50 (6 pieces) ------NEW!!!!

Each piece contains 28g efficient whitening essence,vitamin C&E,pearl digest, collagen,wheat protein and other compound nutrients: So that skin will enjoy all-around whitening effect and oxidation resistance,be protected from solar radiation and air pollution. It can effectively resist the transfer of pigments to epithelial cells,mildly lighten spots and wrinkles,eliminate dull skin tone,supply whitening nutrients and moisture,give skin deep whitening care,leave skin finer and fairer.

S&H collagen Smoothening Mask

RM 38 (6 pieces)

Contain moisturizing essence and ultra-fine nutritive compound, go quickly into skin to supply nutrients, enable skin to absorb nutrients more easily and deeply, also help skin retain moisture and supply moisture to skin continuously and durably, leave skin smooth and moist.

S&H Pearl Silky Beautifying & Smoothing Mask

RM 38 (6 pieces)
采用國際最先進科技美肌滑膚循環再生程式(Skin Rejuvenation Technology)將超微細納米珍珠高效美肌滑膚元素灌注入肌膚底層,全方位活化彈力纖維及細胞間質,防止真皮層蛋白質變色,淡化黑色素並抑制斑點形成,為肌膚增添光澤彈性,賦於肌膚緊實張力,撫平已産生的細紋及凹凸不平感,遏止新紋繼續産生,肌膚如絲般光滑細膩,呈現珍珠般的流光溢彩,絲滑白嫩。使用方法:潔面後取面膜敷於臉部並使之與肌膚完全貼合。15-20分鍾後除去面膜即可。建議一周敷兩到三次,連續使用四周後強化細胞再生,效果尤為明顯。
The world’s latest skin rejuvenation technology is used to deliver ultra-fine nanometer efficient pearl beautifying and smoothing factors into the basal skin layer to activate elastic fibers and intercellular substances comprehensively, prevent the discoloration of dermal proteins, mitigate melanin and inhibit the formation of spots, enhance the skin luster and elasticity, leave the skin firm and tight, remove existing fine lines and unevenness, inhibit the generation of new lines, make the skin fine and smooth like silk, and glossy, smooth and white like pearl.

S&H Refreshing & Moisturizing Facial Mask

RM 38 (6 pieces)
Each mask contains 25ML concentrated natural milk essence, vitamin A, HA and powerful moisturizing factor, the skin can instantly enjoy the nourishment from natural milk within 20 minutes, and appears soft and silky after application.
Instantly moisturize the skin as a result of season conversion and dry environment, assist to firm wrinkles and shrink pores, delay aging.
Reconstruct the water sebum membrane of the skin, brighten and balance the skin, enable the skin to appear soft and tender.

S&H Silky-milk Activating Facial Mask

RM 38 (6 pieces)
Each mask contains 25ML concentrated natural milk essence, vitamin E, allantoin and sterilizing factor, the product can reconstruct the skin and enable the skin to appear soft and silky after application within 20 minutes.
Completely remove deposited toxin, accelerate the peeling of acne, tender the rough skin quality. Restrain the production of bacteria, improve the anti-aging ability of the skin, protect the skin from damages from external environment.Activate the rejuvenation of healthy cells, diminish inflammation and remove acne, enable the skin to appear refreshing, healthy and bright.
Usage: After facial cleaning, unpack the facial mask and apply it gently on the face, remove it 20min later, wipe off the residual essential liquid on the face with water or paper towel.

Cautions: For external use only. Please throw it off after using. For the skin differ from each other, please stop using the product or consult us if you feel discomfort after using. Please keep the product out of reach from children.

BEware of Fake/Pirated BeautyDIaryMask

No offense here babes..

Nowadays there are a lot of BeautyDiaryMask selling in night market at a very low price (eg. RM10 4 pieces or 5 pieces). Here are some tips for you the differentiate the fake & the original mask.

1. The front of the real goods, there are traces due to the authentic printing. The front for fake goods, there are no traces!!

2. Manufacturing dates and expiry dates will be stated on the lower left of the back of the mask. THere will be at least 1 alphabet in between the numbers. Besides that, you can scrape the date if it is real goods, fake one cannot. (fake one has stronger printing..haha)

3. When you open the fake mask, the content is a bit yellowish. The original mask is white and the essense will not give you a weird smell like the fake one.

Cooling Mask 冰沁活氧奈米面膜

RM 45--1 box 10 pcs

All skin types, especially for skin overly exposed to the sun

Cooling and refreshing sensation, moisturizing the skin at the same time. Skin feels soothed, softened and hydrated.

Black Pearl Mask 黑珍珠奈米面膜

RM45-- 1 box 10 pcs

All skin types, esp for dull looking skin.适合一般的肌肤,特推荐缺乏光泽和弹力的肌肤

Firming, regenerating, moisturising, whitens and brightens the overall complexion.


Pearl Powder Mask 白珍珠粉奈米面膜

RM45-- 1 box 10 pcs

Suitable for all skin types especially dull & damaged skin适合一般肌肤,暗沉和受损的肌肤

Moisturizing, Brightening, Extra Nourishing & Regenerating, Well nourished skin, Brighter & clearer complexion


Red Wine Mask 红酒多酚面膜

RM45-- 1 box 10 pcs

All skin types, esp for dull looking and unfirm skin适合一般肌肤,松弛,沉暗的肌肤

Improves blood circulation, brightens and firm up skin. Reduces the effects of oxidation on skin.

Intensive Rice Peptides Mask 精米胜肽奈米面膜

RM 45- 1 box 10 pcs
All skin types esp for mature skin适合一般肌肤,特别是老化的肌肤

Moisturising, repairs and improves elasticity of skin.Hydrating, brightens up dull and mature skin.

The Soy-Peptides and Rice-Peptides combination contains both rice bran and soy iso-flavone essence producing a strong regenerating effect. Not only does it help the skin regain its elasticity and firmness, but it also regulates the skin’s function reducing the dullness and aging-signs to allow the skin restore its vibrate, smoothness and radiance.Witch Hazel Extracts, Bladder wrack and Gentian Extract can soften and refresh the skin.



Provence Lavender Mask 普罗望斯薰衣草奈米面膜

RM45-- 1 box 10 pcs

All skin types especially for sensitive skin适合一般肌肤,敏感肌肤

Lavender Essential Oil is rich in vitamin C and has soothing and relaxing properties. The aroma helps to clam and relax the tension accumulated in the skin restoring balance. The essence from Marigold Extract, Arnica and St John's Wort are effective for regulating sensitive skin for healthy and radiant skin. Lotus Extract‘s cleansing and calming properties can help in cleansing the dead skin as well as soften and hydrate the skin.The oil from Sweet Almond Protein can penetrate deep into the skin to prevent sensitive from dryness of skin and improve the skin hydration retaining function, creating a soft and smooth skin texture.


Bulgarian White Rose 保加利亞白玫瑰奈米面膜

RM 45 -- 1 box 10 pcs

All skin types, esp for dull looking skin.适合一般肌肤,暗沉,缺乏光泽的肌肤

Brightens and whitens the overall complexion. Skin becomes well hydrated and soothed.


Sake yeast mask 清酒酒粕奈米面膜

RM45-- 1 box 10 pcs

Suitable for all skin types especially dull skin.All skin types except for sensitive skin try on hands first

Whitening, moisturising and improving elasticity of skin.

可帮助肌肤高度锁水保湿,协同葡萄柚萃取 精华使肌肤柔软并调理皮脂分泌。再搭配上海藻萃取精华,能够促使皮肤新陈代谢、具保湿作用使肌肤紧致有弹性