S&H Pearl Silky Beautifying & Smoothing Mask

RM 38 (6 pieces)
采用國際最先進科技美肌滑膚循環再生程式(Skin Rejuvenation Technology)將超微細納米珍珠高效美肌滑膚元素灌注入肌膚底層,全方位活化彈力纖維及細胞間質,防止真皮層蛋白質變色,淡化黑色素並抑制斑點形成,為肌膚增添光澤彈性,賦於肌膚緊實張力,撫平已産生的細紋及凹凸不平感,遏止新紋繼續産生,肌膚如絲般光滑細膩,呈現珍珠般的流光溢彩,絲滑白嫩。使用方法:潔面後取面膜敷於臉部並使之與肌膚完全貼合。15-20分鍾後除去面膜即可。建議一周敷兩到三次,連續使用四周後強化細胞再生,效果尤為明顯。
The world’s latest skin rejuvenation technology is used to deliver ultra-fine nanometer efficient pearl beautifying and smoothing factors into the basal skin layer to activate elastic fibers and intercellular substances comprehensively, prevent the discoloration of dermal proteins, mitigate melanin and inhibit the formation of spots, enhance the skin luster and elasticity, leave the skin firm and tight, remove existing fine lines and unevenness, inhibit the generation of new lines, make the skin fine and smooth like silk, and glossy, smooth and white like pearl.


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