Hokkaido Lover Mask--RM 30/box(10pcs)

Hyaluronic Acid Mask
Minimises and prevents wrinkles---Delays wrinkles formation---Improves skin elasticity and moisturizing effect
Ingredients: Bolivian uric acid, rose water, vitamin B5, lavender extract, aloe extract
✿ 保持水嫩肌肤,玻尿酸可保持肌肤弹性,帮助肌肤从皮肤表层注入大量水分,增強保水能力,加強润滑的作用,减少肌肤因岁月造成老化,恢复光泽,改善细纹。
✿ 芦荟萃取,达到肌肤修护功能,预防肌肤乾燥,加上薰衣草萃取,不仅可淨化肌肤,改善暗沈肌肤,恢复明亮光,淡淡薰衣草味道,不仅让肌肤获得了溫柔的滋润,更让疲累的心灵帶來了安抚宁静的感受。

Sakura Whitening Mask
Natural Vitamin C repairs the pores and nourishs the skin---Improves pigmentation problematic areas and soothes skin---Controls and improves sebum secretion, resulting in healthier and glow-ly skin

Ingredients: Sakura extract, Bolivian uric acid, cherry extract, marigold extract, purple root extract, rose fruit extract
✿ 淡淡的樱花味,精萃西印度樱桃,让西印度樱桃里天然的维他命C深入调理毛孔,滋养肌肤改善暗沉,让肌肤维持不紧绷的清爽状态,换給肌肤明皙光采。
✿ 玻尿酸与多种植物精萃,其金盏花独特效果,可修护、舒缓肌肤,溫和的平衡油脂分泌,同時给你健康好起色。

Anti-Oil + Purifying Mask
Oil secretion control, improves skin renewal system----Improves skin sensitivity problems, repairs and tightens skin
Ingredients: Bolivian uric acid, flower extract, buckeye extract, rosemary extract, grass extract.
✿ 此款控油调理,不只控油更加強调理。
✿ 能舒缓肌肤改善油脂分泌,并能立刻提振肤况,让肌肤充滿气色,持续白皙、透亮;搭配玻尿酸,抑制油脂分泌、加強肌肤新陈代谢。
✿ 调理肌肤双效合一,进而改善肌肤敏感现象,紧致毛孔,修护肌肤

L-Ascorbic Acid Whitening Mask
:Prevents formation of dark spots---Smoothens uneven skin to give rise to soft smooth skin---Improves skin regeneration and brightens skin
Ingredients: Vitamin C, Bolivian uric acid, Cucumber extract, Arbutin extract, gingko extract
✿ 还你肌肤明亮白晰,溫和的促进肌肤代谢,加強抗氧化作用。
✿ 修护肤色不均现象,帶走暗沉,改善肌肤暗沉,回复肌肤最初透亮。
✿ 減少皱纹,阻断黑色素形成,使肌肤回复透白柔嫩

Q10 Elastin Mask
:Prevents wrinkles and ageing---Gives hydrating and smooth effect---Improve skin elasticity by tightening skin---Aids in skin regeneration
Ingredients: Q10, Collagen, Bolivian uric acid, wild herbs extract, root extract, rosemary extract.
✿ 补充皮肤內Q10之含量,激励活化能量。
✿ 利用Q10的独特特性,可让肌肤紧致平滑,恢复肌肤储水、保水的功能,抚平皱纹。
✿ 添加弹力蛋白及高保湿成分玻尿酸,改善皮肤,使肌肤紧致,多种植物萃取精华,幫助肌肤维持弹性紧致

E.G.F. Reconstruct Mask
Regenerates skin and improves/prevents wrinkles---Tightening and hydrating effects---Improves skin elasticity
Ingredients: E.G.F, collagen, silk protein, Bolivian uric acid, aloe extract, seaweed extract, green tea extract, lavender extract
✿ 极致修肤面膜,具有嫩肤作用、抚平细纹、紧致肌肤、保湿修护等功能。
✿ 內含「E.G.F」,使用在肌肤保养上时,则可幫助皮肤表皮组织的新陈代谢。
✿ 蚕丝蛋白可提高保湿,多重防护由里至外,加強你的美丽因子,让美丽全面俱到。


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