Japan Magic COmb

RM22 per curler
RM20 ONLY if you purchase with another box of mask!!

◆ 像沙龙一样的轻松完成 ◆ 搭配吹风机效果更加 ◆ 卷法的强度随心所欲加速头发吹整定型,卷度较易塑造,且不易使头发纠结于梳子上,让你吹整造型更便利。

(3)卷好后,用吹风机(热风)对着卷好的头发吹,可以对着不同的地 方送风。吹的时间约1分钟即可。

Used with hair dryer to curl your hair. Make it nice & more natural looked~
(1) combs the first hair smoothly, get a pinch from the bottommost, others clip it up.
(2) make the small pinch of hair wet , curl it up with the magic comb.
(3) blow it with hot air using hair dryer, may blow from different directions. Blow it approximately 1 minute.
(4) pull the hair downwards once you finish blowing.
(5) repeat the same steps for the rest, apply hair spray or gel


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